Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Jesus Party! Wooooo!

Tonight is the Upper Room Bible study's monthly (or so) Agape Feast potluck dinner, and I made California Maki (rolls). Come to think of it, I'm going to make some ocha (green tea) when I get there, so I'm not stuck with soda and bottled tap water to drink. As far as the sign-up list last week was concerned, we have two edible dishes for sure: my sushi and Sonya's salad. Stephan and some other kid are bringing brownies, there will be cookies, vegan pizza (or lasagna, Elise hasn't decided yet.), chocolate-covered strawberries, and chips and dip and salsa. So I'll wind up with some salad with my sushi and ocha...
I'll post some pictures tomorrow (or whenever) of my very nicely rolled sushi (nothing (totally) fell apart this time! ^v^), which I'll take right before I leave. Even cooler than the fact that nothing went horribly wrong this time, I did it all myself! No help! (Well, having Nate fan the rice for me while I added the vinegar doesn't really count, does it?... And Mom did help clean up... ^_^;)
Okay, so I'm working on the Hooded Jacket from this issue of Vogue Knitting the last few weeks, and I've finished the back and pocket linings and am all ready to start the left front when it happens: I lost my size 10 needlepoints from my Needlemaster kit, they're my only needles that size, and I can't cast on anything new without them! Two weeks later, I'm going crazy needing to start the front, so I decide to try to work the beginning 10 rows (after which I switch to larger needles) on my short dpns (good luck keeping the stitches from falling off the other end!), and I get out my little shoebox of knitting needles. As I look into the box, searching for my dpns, a shot of bright green catches my eye: my size 10.5 circular needle from little Mystery's dog bed kit, repaired with green lawn edger string by my awesome dad. I figure, what the heck? Why not see what size my needle gauge says they are, and lo and behold, they are not size 10.5 after all... they're really size 10! Imagine my glee! (Picture little kids on Christmas morning upon receiving exactly what they've been pining over all year, and you get an idea.) So now I'm going to switch off every other day between my sweater and Zach's vest, and with some feverishly fast knitting and a lot of prayer, I think I might be able to get it finished in time for his 14th birthday on August 15th. He won't be able to actually wear it until at least September, but it'll be finished.
And in the end, that's really all that counts.

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