Sunday, July 30, 2006


It's been awhile, ain't it?
Well, turns out I've gone and gotten myself a nice infection in a formerly innocuous little cyst/pore/hole/thing on my ear, and it's all swollen and red and painful, etc., etc., and once the Amoixicillin kills it off, I may need surgery to have it permanently removed, beacause apparently, once this happens once, it'll continue to happen every so often. Oh, and the doc says there's about a 50/50 chance that it could explode in a most revolting manner. (But he doen't think it'll happen because it's not that bad yet. And the swelling's already starting to go down since starting the antibiotic on Friday.) Fun stuff. Not. Other than that, I've really no excuse for not blogging. Bad bad me...
I finished spinning all my fiber, and I wound up with a little over 100 yards of a bulky-weight single, and about 250 yards of a fingering/DK-weight single. I wonder if it'll be enough for a pair of tabi socks, if I use the bulky for the toes and heels, maybe? Otherwise, I'll probably alternate the yarns in a nice lacy scarf or something. Or I may just keep it the way it is, all pretty and being my first spun yarn and whatnot... Hopefully, I can get hold of another batt of that lovely fluff so I can make enough for a cute wrap and those socks... Hopefully.
I've finally decided what I'm really going to do with my six skeins of white Cascade 220: dye and sell it in order to: a) recoup the forty-some bucks I spent on it, b) pay my brothers the money I owe them, and (hopefully) c) buy some even cheaper (identical!) yarn from KnitPicks to start up my yarn business. Gotta love that Kool-Aid!
On the slightly more depressing side, there's an old saying goes, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." I've experienced the evil thoughts and torturous emotions inspired by being (or feeling) ignored more than I care to admit, and so I leave you with a couple bits of advice: guys, if you're interested in a girl, do not be afraid to approach her, or you run the risk of unnecissarily stessing out your future girlfriend and making her cry and feel miserable and inadequate and (temporarily) hate your stinking cowardly guts. And girls, if he seems to be ignoring you, choose to pity his fear of rejection (how silly!) and his ignorance instead of researching voodoo dolls on the Internet and wondering what's wrong with you, and whether you'll be stuck single, no prospects, forever, a true spinster... Be patient. God will bring your husband to you in His perfect time--what a disaster it could prove should he come later... or earlier! Your heavenly Father loves you enough to send His only Son to die for you and bear your sin; surely he can be counted on to come through with a mate for his precious daughter!
Pictures will be added later, when I find that dratted camera and get some sleep.

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