Friday, September 15, 2006

Where Does The Time Go?

How is it possible that I haven't had time to blog since that sorry excuse for a post on the third? What with all the "idle" time on my hands, I should be blogging once day, and I can't even manage to get around to it once a week?
Let's see, there's been the garden...

Look at all those peppers! From only three plants!

Then there's the beach twice a week...

Thank You, Father, for the ocean!

And then there's the knitting...

Almost finished, I just need to finish the hood, knit the yellow ribbing on top of the pockets and sew them down
, and weave in all the loose ends. Oh, and knit the ribbed belt. Tantalizingly close, yet so much to be done.

Mind-numbingly boring knitting, but very interesting results with this open wrap-in-progress. Works up pretty quick, just seems to take forever.

Dad's hat's a little big for Scruffles, but he doesn't seem to mind. This Misti Alpaca is sooo soft and smooth, drapes so nicely, and is so shiny... I bought two balls, but I may only need one, or maybe just a bit of the second, so I'm going to make myself a pretty lacey beaded scarf with the rest, if I can find the right pattern. ...Or maybe just my own hat without the brim.

Zach's vest is coming along nicely; I just need to finish embroidering the accent lines, sew up the sides and weave in the ends. This was supposed to be done for his 14th birthday on the 15th. Of August. Oh well, he wouldn't be able to wear it yet anyway, until it cools down a bit more...

I'd add some more stuff, like the batts of spinning fiber I just received, but Blogger's photo service seems to be bent on driving me to insanity with its non-working-ness tday, so I'll try again tomorrow.

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