Blondie was truly the best dog ever to walk the planet, and she is sorely missed.
We brought her home on Saturday, the 18th of September, 1998, and Jesus took her to His home on Saturday, the 16th of December, 2006. She was in perfect health eight and a half years, then took suddenly and terminally ill the week before she died with lymphoma.
I can't really get too upset because I realize that Jesus deserves her more than I do, she's far happier and healthier than she ever was here, and He couldn't have picked a sweeter dog to bring home to His Father. I look forward to meeting up with her again, but until then, we'll just have to pay special attention to our remaining dog, Mystery, who is very lonely without her best friend. (She is not the puppy pictured here; that was Elanor, who had to be given to another family before she ate poor Mystery! This is Mystery-->)

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