Isn't she beautiful? The Pink V3 RAZR by Motorola. I even got a new number and everything, and the best part is, I got her free with our new Faimy Share Plan! Mom got the same phone, and Zach and Nate each got V3i RAZRs with iTunes (theirs did come with a price tag). We love them to pieces. And mine even came with a very pretty wallpaper of sushi! How much more can this phone scream "ERIN!"?
I just started Women's Inductive Bible Study on Wednesday, and I think I'm really going to like it, even if it does force me to be sociable once a week... (Come on! I can do this!) I've been sitting in on the message for a few years now, but this is the first year I've done the study or been in a group. ...Which reminds me, I need to work on my study more tomorrow, because I didn't today. >.<
Zach's vest is bent on making me lose my everloving mind trying to finish it... This time, it's the side seams--you know, the home stretch. Tedious but easy. Riiiight. I've started marking every fifth row or so on each side to make sure that they match up as I sew them together, because last time they were ten rows off. Ten. Rows. Don't ask me how this could happen, since they're exactly the same... I got most of a seam done today on the way to and from the beach before it started acting up on me again (right as we were getting home, by the way). But hey, that's life.
Here's a little Tahitian eye candy for your enjoyment; enjoy!